
PT. SINAR MULTI ENERGI is a private company engaged in trading of crude oil and natural gas in Indonesia and abroad that established in 2010. our management team is exceedingly experienced in this particular field, allows for agility and flexibility in satisfying customer requirement.

Basic info about company

PT Sinar Multi Energi

PT. SINAR MULTI ENERGI is a private company engaged in trading of crude oil and natural gas in Indonesia and abroad that established in 2010. our management team is exceedingly experienced in this particular field, allows for agility and flexibility in satisfying customer requirement.

PT. SINAR MULTI ENERGI (SME) is established to answer the shortage of domestic crude oil and natural gas due to the declining in local production and the rising consumption both oil and gas. In order to fulfill the gap and to maintain the availability of crude oil and natural gas domestically, we are joining with several well known international oil and gas companies to supply to Indonesia.

Our Vision

  • Supporting our customer the availability of decent quality and sustainable Crude Oil and Natural Gas in Indonesia which can encourage national economic growth.
  • Become a reliable company and maintain the satisfaction of business partners.

Our Mission

  • Customer Satisfaction is our main priority
  • Honor all Commitments to our customers
  • Commitment and mutual trust with business partners to achieve the goals

Our Values

  • Teamwork and commitment to treat others with respect, trust and dignity.
  • Respect the individuality and personality of each person as well as the culture and customs of each country and region.
  • Continuously pay attention to national and international technological and economic trends and attempt to grasp the essentials of such trends.
  • To achieve high performance through a team player with our customers and partners as well as within our group.
  • Fun and eagerness

Many Year Of Experiences

We specialize in

  • Crude Oil Trading
  • Refined Petroleum Products
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
  • Market Risk Management
  • Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Have any Question ?

Let's Get In Touch

  • Address

    Come visit us: Setiabudi Atrium 6th floor, suite 610 Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 62, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 12920, Indonesia.
